Friday, October 23, 2015

The Different Forms of Birth Control (part 2 of 2)

Implant Contraception
Through this method, a rod will be inserted under a woman's skin. This rod will release small amounts of progestin, a type of hormone, into the bloodstream. This is not so popular because it causes heavy bleeding.

Injected Ones
You can also opt to inject that contraception. This method can be done just once in every three months. Most of this type contains only progestin. This will stop a woman from ovulating and will halt the eggs that have been fertilized to be implanted on the uterine lining.

Condom for Women
This can also be called Fermidom or female condom. This can be likened to a loose pouch that is used to line the vagina. This has flexible rings at its two ends. This can be bought without prescription, but isn't really that popular that is why it is hard to find it in stores.

Condom for Men
This is being used by men during the sexual act itself to avoid his discharges from being transferred into his partner that may later cause pregnancy. This will also help prevent transmission of the diseases caused by sex.

The Natural Family Method
This can be done by religiously looking at your calendars. Women must take note when they last had their menstrual period so that they could avoid making love with their partners on those days when they are fertile.

The abovementioned are some of the different forms of birth control. Choose the one that fit you best if you don't want to opt for the pills. That way, you will avoid getting pregnant and you will also not be subjected to the pills' main side effect, that is gaining weight.


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